Monday, August 11, 2008

Benefits Of Mansturbation - Is It Healthy Or Not?

Benefits Of Mansturbation - Is It Healthy Or Not?By Miroslav Ivos

Masturbation can be defined as self-stimulation to cause sexual sensations. The use of the word masturbation usually suggests that the person is manipulating his or her genitals to the point of intense pleasure or orgasm. (Orgasm refers to a period of intense excitement in which genital muscles enter in to a series of highly pleasurable contractions or movements.)
Recently, studies have even suggested that frequent masturbation in men may help to decrease the risk of developing prostate cancer. While these findings are by no means proven, the possibility of preventing such a prevalent disease through the very common activity of masturbating holds great promise.
A good orgasm is one of the best ways to lift somebody's spirits and make that person feel once more the zest for life that lies in all of us. Sex also tends to drive out negative thoughts, if only for a while. In the end, whatever arguments some people can raise have against masturbation, it far is better to engage in this practice than to allow depression to set in.
Some of the known health benefits of masturbation are:
Reduces stress Enhances self-esteem. Muscle relaxation Helps one to fall asleep Promotes release of the brain's opioid-like neurotransmitters (endorphins), which cause feelings of physical and mental wellbeing. Female masturbation relieves menstrual cramps Eases some of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome Relieves depression Improves blood flow in the human body. Frequent masturbation by males appears to help prevent the development of prostate cancer. An effective, natural cure for insomnia. Masturbation is considered as cardiovascular workout. However it has not been scientifically proved. Burns calories during the session. It lowers blood pleasure and relieves headaches and muscle aches throughout the body.
Frequent masturbation helps a person understand his or her own sexual desires and is a very good way of exploring one's sexuality. For young people or shy people who are nervous about the act of sex, the self-knowledge gained from masturbation can be a great asset later on in life to help make intercourse a more pleasurable experience. Masturbation is also perfectly safe for people of all ages and, unlike sex, it does not carry the risk of unwanted pregnancies or sexually transmitted diseases.
Masturbation has been wrongly blamed for a host of human ills, including, blindness, stunted growth, madness, physical decrepitude, sexual perversion, reduced sexual function and neurotic disorders. A myth that lingered for more than centuries is that girls don't masturbate. However girls and women do masturbate. In fact, it is said that women who masturbate have higher self-esteem than those who don't.
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Self Prostate Milking: For Pleasure and for Health

Self Prostate Milking: For Pleasure and for HealthBy Brian S

The prostate gland plays a major role both in a man’s reproductive capacity and his ability to enjoy sexual acts. Little wonder then that this organ has been called the “male G-spot” or the “male uterus.” Knowing the right way to stimulate it can bring intense orgasmic pleasure. And because some studies suggest that having orgasms regularly can prevent a host of prostate disorders, more and more men are finding it to their benefit to indulge in self prostate milking.
The prostate gland is responsible for producing semen, that milky liquid that carries spermatozoa coming from the testicles and out of the penis during orgasm. While masturbation and sexual intercourse do their part in relieving the prostate of its load of semen, there are times when a partner is unavailable or a man wants to try something other than regular masturbation for a change. Here is where self prostate milking comes into play.
How does one go about doing this, especially if it’s the first time? One of the things a man should overcome is the unease that he may feel at having something penetrate him anally. Some men wonder whether they have latent homosexual feelings if they indulge in this kind of activity. But this isn’t so; all men can engage in self prostate milking whatever their sexual orientation. Another concern is that the anus is “dirty” or “unclean” because it is where fecal matter comes out. Again, this is a misconception. In fact, the mouth harbors more bacteria than any other part of the body.
You should try to find the most comfortable position for you before starting. You can lie on your side or squat for easy access. The prostate swells when a man is sexually aroused, so it would be best if you are turned on before starting so that you find your prostate immediately. It’s a walnut-sized bump located about two inches inside the rectum, behind the base of your penis. To milk the prostate, massage it gently at first, either with your finger or a sex toy, then firmer and faster as the rhythm gets you. But be sure not to massage it too vigorously, or else you run the risk of injury.
Some men recommend masturbating the penis simultaneously with self prostate milking for a one-of-a-kind sexual experience. You could have prolonged and more intense orgasms this way, and with more than the usual amount of semen coming out, especially if you haven’t had any sexual activity for a while.
However, some men report that while they do not achieve orgasm when milking their prostate glands, the level of pleasure they feel is still very intense. The semen trickles out or flows into a pool even though there’s no ejaculation, in terms of how that word is commonly understood. Instead, one feels a deep sense of pleasurable fulfillment; it has been compared to a very good bowel movement – only a hundred times more erotic.
You should be aware that there are studies indicating that certain men who masturbate or have ejaculations regularly have lower incidences of prostate inflammation, prostate cancer, and prostate enlargement. Given this evidence, self prostate milking seems to be a safe, convenient, and inexpensive way to make sure that one’s libido and prostate health are in optimum condition.
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Reasons For Over Masturbation

Reasons For Over MasturbationBy Dr John Anne

Masturbation is the fondling of one’s own genitals in order to achieve sexual pleasure. Simply touching, stroking, squeezing, rubbing or brushing the genitals – the penis and testicles in males and the vulva, labia and vagina in females – gives a person pleasure and is termed under masturbation. Masturbation usually ends with a similar climax as is observed in a real sexual encounter. Males ejaculate at the end of the masturbation session, while females receive similar orgasmic pleasures.
In this article, we shall discuss masturbation issues in men. The penis is a highly sensitive organ, which can be aroused by a mere thought. But while masturbating, the man fondles the penis with various kinds of movements. The penis achieves an erection, and there is an ejaculation of the semen at the end of the session.
People all over the world are in a sort of debate as to what is the right frequency for a person to masturbate, i.e. what qualifies as over masturbation in men. Some men masturbate once a week, while some may go up to several times a week. There are also some men who claim they do not masturbate at all. Though there are vastly different trends in the frequency of masturbation, nothing can be said about the advantage or disadvantage of over masturbation.
Some experts maintain that over masturbation can lead to a person’s obsession about his own penis, which may interfere in the day-to-day life of the person. The person may become so much maniacal about masturbating that even in the midst of some work, the man may take a quick ‘toilet break’. This is a psychological behavior and therapy might be needed to cure it. Men obsessed with over masturbation could reject their social life just in order to be able to enjoy the pleasures of masturbating in private. In extreme cases, this could occur in marriages, leading to divorces.
Some men who are unhappy with their sexual life also resort to over masturbation as a way of relieving their sexual tensions. Over masturbation is also prevalent in boys who are just beginning to learn about their sexuality. Boys who grow up in a sheltered and introverted kind of family atmosphere might become more obsessed with their own genitals. Hence over masturbation could indicate a deep-rooted trauma in the past of the man, or some fault in the upbringing like overtly strict parents.
One must know what masturbation achieves for the male body before trying to understand the benefits of over masturbation, if there are any. Masturbation is quite a normal male activity, and it is even healthy in some respects. Men produce sperms in their testicles, which are stored in the coiled tube known as epididymis. At the same time the Cowper’s gland produces the pre-ejaculate fluid. When a man reaches his climax, the sperm from the epididymis mixes with the pre-ejaculate fluid and is ejected out of the penis in the form of seminal discharge or semen. The normal human male body continuously produces both sperm and pre-ejaculates. If there is no sexual activity, then the semen has to be eliminated from the body to make place for newly formed one.
The elimination can be done when the man urinates, or sometimes as nocturnal emissions or ‘wet dreams’. The point of telling all this is that the semen anyhow leaves the body and does not remain in it even if it is not voided naturally. Hence, masturbation does not lead to wastage of the bodily fluid as most people think. The same can be said about over masturbation. To an extent, over masturbation is a way to help the reproductive system to replenish its ejaculates.
If done correctly, over masturbation can in fact be beneficial to the male. In the controversial process of jelquing, the base of the penis is held between the thumb and the forefinger. These fingers are then pushed forwards, continuously applying pressure on the penis. This method is employed for people who are looking to enlarge their penises. Thus if the person uses this sort of technique while masturbating, it could help in penis enlargement.
Over masturbation is actually beneficial when you consider the rate at which STDs are affecting the youth of the world today. Most STDs are transmitted due to unsafe sex with multiple partners. If, instead, a man relieves his sexual desires through masturbation, then at least the chances of infection are zero.
Over masturbation usually corrects itself when the circumstances of the man change. Especially when the man gets married, there is a huge decline in the rate of masturbation. Also when the man involves himself in some activity like sports or working out then the rate of masturbation becomes less.
At the same time, there are conditions when the masturbation rates are known to go higher. If a man is in his first infatuated love, then chances are that he would masturbate thinking of the object of his desire. Similarly, things that create mental tensions like exams, new jobs, living alone, etc. could induce a man to indulge in over masturbation. This could be a way of diverting the mind.
Read more about Over Masturbation and other Secret Sexual Issues at http://www.mysecrethealth.comAlso read more about the Secret of How to Increase Libido.
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Masturbation Is Man's Only Natural Comfort In Life

Masturbation Is Man's Only Natural Comfort In LifeBy Teddy Shabba

Most if not all men have masturbated at least once if not a hundred times in their life.
It is perhaps the only other certainty in life besides death that a man knows how to get himself off.
It's the one advantage that men have over many women.
While many women believe that they need a man in their life in order to experience sexual satisfaction and sometimes not even then.
On the other hand, almost every man knows that sexual satisfaction is only a few strokes away.
Of course it is in this knowledge that keeps many men from actually learning how to attract women.
The pleasure a man can experience upon each stroke as his mind or TV plays out whatever fantasy it is that he desires can be just as good if not greater than being with a woman.
However, as soon as sexual release occurs and the reality of his life comes back into focus he is worst off than before.
As the reality of being alone is far greater after you have experienced the joy of sex alone.
If you are a man who only experiences sexual pleasure by yourself and want to have women in you life instead.
It is important that you realize the first step is getting out of your comfort zone which in your case would be to stop masturbating and instead begin learning how to attract women.
Of course once you have beautiful women in your life and are enjoying the sexual experiences that can come with them if you then find yourself with the urge for a little self-pleasure if it is really what you want then go ahead and enjoy as so many men do.
Teddy Shabba is a Dating Coach for Men and creator of Dating Advice and Tips for Men which provides an abundance of information for men on dating and more. If you would like more information on how to attract, seduce and meet women sign up for the Teddy Shabba Dating Advice Newsletter for Men today.
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Self Pleasure For Men and Women - The Only Way to Understand Your Sexual Being

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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Does Masturbation Improve Prostate Health? Rajgopal Venkataraman

Does Masturbation Improve Prostate Health?By Rajgopal Venkataraman

Masturbation has been long associated with numerous myths and it is often a taboo subject in many parts of the world. It is as if humans are meant to derive pleasure from others and not on their own!
The world of sex has undergone paradigm shifts and masturbation is today viewed as a channel for stress relief, a tool for sexual stimulation and an outlet for a better prostate health. There is a definite risk of sexually transmitted diseases and infections during sexual intercourse and masturbation is free from these dangerous consequences of sexual intercourse.
Hitherto masturbation was wrongly associated with an enlarged prostate. Research has shown a positive correlation between increased frequency of ejaculations (whether through intercourse, nocturnal emissions or masturbation) and good prostate health. The prostate contributes to a major share of the volume of the semen. Animal studies have shown that carcinogens found in cigarette smoke and environmental toxins concentrate in the prostatic fluid and the more often one flushes out the prostate gland, seminal vesicles and the ejaculatory ducts the less are the chances of cancer of the prostate.
Men beyond the age of forty are prone to prostate illnesses. Prostate enlargement whether benign or malignant can cause undue suffering. Benign enlargements need lifelong therapy and frequent monitoring. Cancer of the prostate is far more deadly and one has to undergo surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy to minimize the spread of the disease. Substantial benefits can be derived from preventive measures like herbs for prostate enlargement and a diet that includes foods rich in lycopene, selenium and Vitamin E, but they are not a cure in their own right.
How does masturbation actually help prevent enlargement of the prostate? One can only hypothesize the situation. During an orgasm (either by way of intercourse or masturbation) the thin sheet of muscle that encircles the gland contract vigorously leading to shrinking of the gland. Some of the prostate medicines work in a similar way of contracting the thin sheet of muscles around the prostate. Thus orgasms or prostate medications serve the same purpose - to contract the muscles and shrink the gland. Regular masturbation keeps the tone of these muscles in good state and also keeps the size of the prostate gland under check.
So go ahead, please yourself! Preventing prostate cancer and prostate enlargements can be a truly pleasurable experience!
Are you interested in knowing more about A Healthy Prostate?. Then visit Better Prostate Health.
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Prostate the Male G-Spot Paul Rodgers

Prostate the Male G-SpotBy Paul Rodgers

The prostate's main purpose is to help in the manufacture of semen, however if it is stimulated properly, is capable of intense orgasms. The prostate is a part of the sexual response cycle in males, and is a key contributor to male orgasm. Now, more and more men are interested in a prostate massage to promote prostate health and to stimulate the prostate to produce a prostate orgasm. Men who want to perform a prostate stimulation massage have commented that the orgasms are much more powerful or intense than those via traditional intercourse or masturbation.
If done correctly the prostate milking or prostate orgasms can be extremely intense-up to 400% stronger and last up to 5 minutes. These intense prostate orgasms from prostate milking are what makes the prostate milking for pleasurably for males. This type of orgasm is also known as a prostate orgasm as the prostate is sometimes know as the "male g-spot".
The Prostate Gland can be massaged in one of two ways, externally and internally. External and internal prostate massage have been utilized for centuries as part of holistic oriental health practices. The external prostate massage is the massage you should begin each day with. External and internal anal massage can be highly arousing, without a moment of discomfort. In general, men use either an internal prostate massage or an external prostate massage for two very different reasons. However, the tricky part is, in order to get the full benefit of the external massage, it actually is easier if the man has experienced the internal one first because then he can identify the feeling better.
The whole purpose of this external prostate massage is to bring some new fresh circulation to the area and keep it fresh and healthy. This short morning external prostate massage will actually help your blood move better through your prostate all throughout your day. The internal, invasive, method is probably more effective than the external way; but this method does present some serious concerns for the majority of heterosexual men. For those men I would recommend the use of an external massage device where they just sit on the massage cradle and the bodily movements in combination with the massage cradle performs the therapeutic massage.
Most prostate massagers are invasive, but the Prostate Cradle is unique: Just sit on it.
Paul Rodgers specializes in marketing natural health and beauty products
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Masturbation - Don't Be Afraid to Masturbate

Masturbation - Don't Be Afraid to MasturbateBy Sacha Tarkovsky

Many psychologists and researchers have discovered that masturbation can be, and is, a positive addition to one’s personal and sexual life.
However there are many taboo’s related to masturbation and many feel it is something to be embarrassed about it. Let’s however look at the facts.
As a common subject, masturbation needs no particular explanation, but most dictionaries describe it as manual stimulation of the genital organs (of yourself or another) for sexual pleasure. In many countries and cultures, masturbation has been either prohibited or highly discouraged, as in Islam. In some countries it was even a capital offense!
Masturbation is common
It must be noted that along with sexual intercourse masturbation is the most common sexual practice. Most people are able to achieve orgasm solely by masturbation and without sexual intercourse.
It has also been well documented that masturbation is common in many mammalian species, both in the wild and in captivity.
Masturbation is safe
Where safe sex is an issue, or that of pre-marital sex (without penetration), and other means of abstinence, masturbation provides a sure method of eliminating all risk. The French have known this for centuries, and it is part of their sexual context. Also, mutual masturbation is gaining popularity among the young school-age children…in response to education about AID and pregnancy prevention.
Masturbation Techniques
There are both female and male techniques to masturbation, and both are very specific. For men, it is very interesting to note that an Australian research published a medical study which concluded that frequent masturbation by males may help prevent the development of prostate cancer.
As a negative, and worth noting, very frequent masturbation can lead to reduced interest in further sexual activity, tiredness and other unwanted side-effects. However, these negative qualities to masturbation tend to make frequent masturbation self-limiting for almost all men and women.
There is also compulsive masturbation, and this is considered as a sexual anomaly, and medical help is often required to stop it.
Masturbation history
Taken historically, masturbation has a colorful past. The Egyptians held that the entire universe was created by the God ATUN masturbating and then ejaculating. The ancient Greeks held it a perfectly natural sexual activity.
This is however quite unlike the modern Greeks who hold that masturbating makes you stupid, and the Greek work malakas (from malakia = masturbation) is the word for a stupid person, an insult, and prevalent in the everyday speech of all Greek people.
In ancient China, masturbation was also commonplace, and considered an acceptable activity, except masturbating to ejaculation. This was discouraged, as they believed it sapped your vitality.
This thought was mirrored in 18th and 19th century Europe (and America), and lasted well into the 20th century. In fact, in the 19th and early 20th century, this thought of masturbation was considered an illness or perverted activity, and not only discouraged, but forbidden.
Today, most outmoded beliefs (except in some Islamic countries, where masturbation is considered as Haraam = forbidden) and only in some circumstances.
One well-known and respected Islamic scholar has written that “Masturbation may be permissible so that men and women have a healthy knowledge of their own bodies, and so that they may be able to communicate with their marital partner about their sexual needs.’ So even in very strict and rigid cultures, masturbation can be acceptable.
Masturbation your not alone
Statistics also show that an overwhelming amount of both men and women masturbate or have masturbated in their lives. Be it the subject of humor, or literature, or religion, masturbation appears to be a common human activity and condition.
It must be mentioned that the Catholic church still holds masturbation to be a sin, and there is much controversy over this and other dogmatic principles of the Catholic church.
Do not be afraid then to masturbate, should you be in a situation or condition where it is preferable to abstention. Masturbation can relieve depression and anxiety, and even give some people a more self-confident image of themselves.
More FREE Information
For more free information on getting more from sex and sexual health visit our website for features articles and downloads:
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Masturbation Techniques

Masturbation TechniquesBy Dr John Anne

Since long times, masturbation has been considered something shameful and derogatory to human culture. Though men and women have been masturbating through all ages – the cave painting of Khajuraho in India and ancient artworks of Japan are prime examples – the issue has never been discussed in the open. This has led to a kind of taboo building around the subject of masturbation. But, let us face the fact. Almost all the men of the world masturbate. Since they cannot do that in the open, they do so in the privacy of their own bedrooms and bathrooms. As masturbation was a very individual act until lately, almost each man has developed his own techniques in order to masturbate and achieve pleasure.
A boy begins masturbating almost as soon as he steps into his puberty. This is the time when the development of his penis and his testicles intrigues him, and he discovers the never-before kind of pleasure he receives by touching his genitals. Soon begins a voyage of discovery, when the boy starts to touch his penis in different ways and compare the feelings produced by each touch. At this age the revelation of ‘the other sex’ also dawns on him through peers or porn. He comes to realize what can arouse him and what he can do to satiate that arousal. This is where masturbation begins.
The first masturbation may take place in the bathroom where the boy has learnt to fondle and receive pleasure from his organs. When the seminal discharge takes place, initially it may be a cause of fear, but later on it becomes the greatest pleasure he might have discovered. Accept it or not, masturbation helps the boy to build a very constructive and important relationship with his penis. Thus begin the early masturbatory techniques.
As the age advances, boys learn more and more techniques of masturbation, but basically stick to just one kind of technique. However different men can use different techniques. Some of the very popular masturbation techniques that men use for masturbating their genitals are described below.
Fisting is one of the most popular ways. In this the male holds the erect penis within a single fist and rocks the fist back and forth. The extent to which pressure is applied depends from person to person, and so also does the kind of fist-hold that is used. Some men prefer to keep the palm up, but the common position is to keep the palm down and the fingers facing the sky. This is the technique that is referred in slang as jerking, jacking off or playing with five fingered Rosie.
Thumbing is a popular way of holding the penis during masturbation. In this the penis is held in the fist just as mentioned above, but the thumb is used to apply extra pressure on the very-sensitive head of the penis known as the glans. With the fisting, thumb pressure is applied on the glans, whose hardness is felt. Though this masturbation technique is more pleasurable, it does not find more favor with men as it requires more exertion of the hand.
Some people perform some preliminary movements on the penis before getting into the actual masturbatory act. One of the ways is fluting the penis. This is done by holding the penis with both hands and then tapping it alternately with the fingers as if one is playing the flute. This is an effective method to arouse all the sensitive points on the penis, thus allowing it to become erect to its maximum limit. When this erection is achieved, further masturbation is done by either fisting or thumbing.
Alternatively, the penis can be chortled. This is holding the penis with two fingers, forming a ring, and then applying pressure on different regions of the penis. In addition, there are several different holds that each man can devise for himself.
There is also a bit of an argument on whether circumcision benefits masturbation in any way. Both circumcised and uncircumcised penises have their relative advantages and disadvantages in masturbation. If the penis is circumcised, then the pressure is felt directly on the organ; while if the penis is uncircumcised, the pressure is felt due to the rocking of the foreskin. Depending on this, it can be said that fluting methods will be more effective in masturbation of circumcised men and jerking methods will be more effective in masturbation of uncircumcised men.
Even the way the person poses himself during masturbation has differences. Several men prefer masturbation while lying on a bed on the back and fisting the penis skywards. This posture has found great favor because of the comfort factor attached to it. Men who masturbate while watching porn are more prone to masturbate while sitting on a chair in front of the screen. Men masturbating in the bathroom would most probably do it standing. It is interesting to note that people who are habituated to masturbate while standing may not enjoy the same act in a sitting position.
Lastly, there are also unusual masturbating techniques found in some men. Some men like to arouse other parts of their bodies like nipples, anus, etc. while masturbating. They may alternate the hold on the penis with fondling these regions. One method is the squat technique where the person masturbates in a squatting position with fondling other regions of his body.
Read more about Masturbation Techniques and other Secret Sexual Issues at http://www.mysecrethealth.comAlso Know more on Premature Ejaculation Cure through natural and herbal treatments.
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New Male Masturbation Techniques-Updated by Shawn Hill

New Male Masturbation Techniques-UpdatedBy Shawn Hill

If you are between women or just want to have more fun with the woman that you are currently with, masturbation can be a good way to enjoy sex. You can do more than the old basic. Keep reading and find how you can vary what you do and add spice to your sex life.
1. The hot hand. Instead of just regular KY, get the kind that heats up when you use it. You can find these in some drug stores. You can also find the in a lot of the adult stores. This added sensation will make your time really hot. If you have a partner you can rub each other.
2. The cold hand. Instead of hot, go for cold. As your about to reach a climax, rub a ice cube around your penis. If you enjoy, you can actually start with your nipples. That way when you are ready to have an orgasm, the ice will already be in your hand. This is a nice one to do during those hot summer nights.
3. Reverse. This one is called the reverse because instead of moving your hands you move your hips. Lay on your stomach. Hold your hand steady and move your hips up and down. This will more simulate the action of having sex. This one will produce a strong orgasm because it will seem like a more natural movement.
4. O-Yeah. With this one you are going to create a series of circles with your hands. Start by creating a circle with your thumb and next finger. Place this at the base of your penis. With the other hand make a circle and place it around the tip. Move your hands in opposite directions. This should allow an intense feeling as you rub your penis in an opposite direction.
5. Tag It and Bag It. You will probably not find a better use for a zip lock bag that this one. Put some lubricant in a sandwich bag. Don't fill it too much because it will not produce the correct amount of friction. You can now rub the bag around your penis. When you have an orgasm, you can now eject in the bag. Nice and neat.
Don't settle for the same old boring way of masturbating. Add some spice and variety to you time. If you and add a partner it will make it even better. Enjoy.
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Find The Sexiest Women To Masturbate With Click Here!
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